- 2 January 2025 The joint first author paper of Junke Wang and Bruno Branco Performance and stability analysis of all-perovskite tandem photovoltaics in light-driven electrochemical water splitting has been published in Nature Communications today.
- 24 January 2025 Congratulations to Nanno de Rooij who successfully defended his MSc thesis“Describing Exciplexes as a Photophysically Active Species".
- 23 December 2024 Today the paper Steering perovskite precursor solutions for multijunction photovoltaics of Shuaifeng Hu and Junke Wang in Henry Snaith’s group at Oxford University was published in Nature. From our lab Guus Aalbers and Nick Schipper were involved. It was a genuine pleasure to contribute to this excellent piece work on multijunction perovskite photovoltaics.
- 20 December 2024 Congratulations to Gies Theuws who successfully defended his MSc thesis "Graph Neural Networks including morphological effects for accurate prediction of molecular excitation energies in OLEDs".
- 18 December 2024 Congratulations to Matthijs van Velzen who successfully defended his MSc thesis "Polaritonic Features in Reflection Spectra of a Single Crystal and Thin Films of Squaraine Dyes".
- 17 December 2024 Congratulations to Henry Kwan who received his MSc diploma today from Chemistry and Physics.
- 15 November 2024 Congratulations to Hiroki Tomita and Christian McDonald for winning the prizes for the best oral (1st place) and best poster (5t place) at the ICEL 2024 in Kyoto.
- 15 October 2024 A warm welcome to Boudewijn Coenegracht who started his PhD today.
- 15 October 2024 A warm welcome to Daan van Herpt who started his PhD today.
- 9 October 2024 Congratulations to Dr. Willemijn Remmerswaal who successfully defended her PhD thesis "Measuring Voltage with Light: Absolute Photoluminescence of Metal Halide Perovskites".
- 1 October 2024 Congratulations to Lucas Norg who successfully defended his MSc thesis "Simulation-assisted experimental study of field-induced dissociation of Ir-based emitters in binary systems to determine exciton binding energies".
- 17 September 2024 Congratulations to Daan van Herpt who received his MSc diploma today.
- 26 August 2024 Congratulations to Jibbe Littmann who successfully defended his MSc thesis "Investigating integrated perovskite bulk-heterojunction solar cells for extending the spectral response towards the near-infrared".
- 1 July 2024 A warm welcome to Roozbeh Irandoost who started his PhD today.
- 4 June 2024 Congratulations to Julia Horbalová who successfully defended her MSc thesis "Utilization of substituted PET monomers as anolyte in combination with green solvents for commercialization of non-aqueous redox flow batteries".
- 15 May 2024 A warm welcome to Shoudeng Zhong who started his PhD today.
- 7 May 2024 Congratulations to Daan van Herpt who successfully defended his MSc thesis "Effect of substrate & additives on absolute photoluminescence of perovskite thin film semiconductors".
- 6 May 2024 Congratulations to Henry Kwan who successfully defended his MSc thesis "Towards the theoretical efficiency limit: Fine-tuning Cs0.1FA0.6MA0.3Pb0.5Sn0.5I3-xBrx perovskites for solar cells".
- 10 April 2024 Congratulations to Tim de Visser who successfully defended his MSc thesis "Exploring polariton effects in liquid-crystalline materials of perylene bisimide dyes"
- 14 March 2024 Congratulations to Dr. Simone van Laar who successfully defended her PhD thesis 'Mixed-halide wide-bandgap perovskite semiconductors for photovoltaics'
- 4 March 2024 Congratulations to Boudewijn Coenegracht who successfully defended his MSc thesis "Voltage-dependent photoluminescence measurements onperovskite solar cells"
- 20 February 2024 Congratulations to Dr. Michael Verhage who successfully defended his PhD thesis 'Spins for Energy. Local probing of structure, magnetism and conductivity of chiral molecules & complex oxides'
- 10 February 2024 The joint first author paper of Guus Aalbers and Tom van der Pol Effect of sub-bandgap defects on radiative and non-radiative open-circuit voltage losses in perovskite solar cells has been published in in Nature Communications today. The paper has been selected as Editors’ Highlights of recent research on “Devices”.
- 8 February 2024 Congratulations to Dr. Mahyar Taherpour who successfully defended his PhD thesis "Accurate and fast modeling of opto-electronic processes in organic light-emitting diodes: - From master equation to multiverse kinetic Monte Carlo modeling". See also the news item on the TU/e website.
- 1 February 2024 A warm welcome to Vishnu Vijayakumar who started as postdoctoral researcher today.
- 24 January 2024 PV Magazine highlighted Junke Wang's paper in Nature Energy.
- 15 January 2024 A warm welcome to Simon Quiroz Monnens who started his PhD today.
- 8 January 2024 See these news items on Junke Wang's paper in Nature Energy reported by Innovation Origins and TU/e
- 19 December 2023
Congratulations to Jordi Frencken, Ediz Garip, Daniël Grosfeld, and Luuk Sander who all received their MSc diplomas today. The ceremony can be viewed again on YouTube - 15 December 2023
The research of Hiroki Tomita and Clint van Hoesel on "Unravelling quantum mechanics for brighter OLEDs" is featured in latest ICMS Highlights Magazine - 15 December 2023
Congratulations to Lars van Erp for successfully defending his MSc thesis "Narrow-bandgap large-area Pb-Sn perovskite solar cells". - 14 December 2023
NWO has granted our proposal Flowganic in the 2023 Take-off autumn round. A recent discovery of extremely stable and easy to synthesize organic redox-active molecules provides new perspectives to the development of organic redox flow batteries for energy storage. In this project, we aim to develop this discovery into a sustainable energy technology, create demonstrators, and identify first commercial products. Also covered by C2W in Chemisch onderzoek stijgt op. - 11 December 2023
Congratulations to Wouter Vels who received his MSc diploma today. - 28 November 2023
If you are interested (and understand Dutch) you can check the podcast De Technoloog of BNR Nieuwsradio and learn about "Zonnepanelen als belangrijkste wapen in de energietransitie" - 16 November 2023
Junke Wang's paper Halide homogenization enables low energy loss in 2-eV-bandgap perovskites and increased efficiency in all-perovskite triple-junction solar cells was published in Nature Energy today. For a quick update check the Behind the Paper blog. - 15 October 2023
A warm welcome to Thijs van Stralen who started his work today as a researcher. - 19 September 2023
Congratulations to Dr. Bruno Pinto Branco who successfully defended his PhD thesis "Solar–driven water electrolysis: new multijunction solar cells and electrolysis materials". Bruno was awarded with two diplomas: one from the University of Stuttgart and one from Eindhoven University of Technology. - 19 September 2023
Congratulations to Nico van Rijswijk and Rens Cuijpers who received their MSc diplomas today. - 18 September 2023
A warm welcome to Rens Cuijpers who started his PhD today. - 8 August 2023
An ERC Advanced Grant has been awarded to René Janssen for our group's research on multi-junction perovskite solar cells. For more information see the news item on the TU/e wbsite. - 13 July 2023
Congratulations to Avalon Hayes for successfully defending her MSc thesis "Copper-based inorganic hole transport layers for upscaled p-i-n perovskite solar cells". - 30 June 2023
In the third round the National Growth Fund has partially approved the SolarNL "Circular integrated high-efficiency solar panels" propsal in which our group is involved. For more information see the news item on the TU/e website and the website of SolarNL. - 20 June 2023
Congratulations to Pieter de Haij and Bruno Langers who received their MSc diplomas today. - 14 June 2023
Congratulations to Dr. Nicolas Daub who successfully defended his PhD thesis "Towards a more sustainable world: New organic molecules for nonaqueous redox flow batteries". - 6 June 2023
Congratulations to Dimitar Georgiev for successfully defending his MSc thesis "New redox active organic molecules with deep reduction potential as anolytes for RFBs". - 30 May 2023
Congratulations to Dr. Ludovico Riccardi who successfully defended his PhD thesis "Molecular copper and ruthenium water oxidation electrocatalyst for light-driven water splitting". Ludovico was awarded with two diplomas, one from University of Uppsala and one from Eindhoven University of Technology. - 23 May 2023
Congratulations to Dr. Olivera Vuković who successfully defended her PhD thesis "Inorganic metal halide perovskite nanocrystals and thin films: photophysics, photovoltaics and environmental impact". Olivera was awarded with two diplomas, one from Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour and one from Eindhoven University of Technology. - 22 May 2023
Congratulations to Thijs van Stralen for successfully defending his MSc thesis "Probing charge density oscillations in the cuprate superconductor Bi-2212 using electron energy loss spectroscopy" - 22 May 2023
Congratulations to Dr. Xiao Ma who successfully defended his PhD thesis "The origin of dark current and trap states in organic photodiodes". - 1 May 2023
Alessandro Caiazzo received the prize for the best onsite student talk of the EL20 Symposium on Photo and Radiation Detection with Organic, Perovskite and Nano-crystalline Semiconductors at the recent MRS Spring Meeting in San Francisco for his presenation on "Multidimensional Perovskites for High Detectivity Photodiodes" - 1 May 2023
Congratulations to Ediz Garip for successfully defending his MSc thesis "Optimization and 2D/quasi-2D passivation of inverted FAPbI3-based perovskite solar cells" - 21 April 2023
Congratulations to Dr. Riccardo Ollearo who very successfully defended his PhD thesis cum laude : "Exploring perovskite photodiodes – device physics and applications". - 20 April 2023
Congratulations to Rens Cuijpers for successfully defending his MSc thesis "Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy on a Polar Molecular Crystal". - 14 April 2023
Today the Dutch national newspaper NRC covered Riccarrdo Ollearo's work on perovskite photodiodes: Here in Eindhoven they make things that don't exist yet - 3 April 2023
Congratulations to Dr. Bas van Gorkom who successfully defended his PhD thesis: "Highly sensitive photocurrent spectroscopy on hybrid perovskite solar cells"
For more info see the news item on the TU/e website - 28 March 2023
Congratulations to Nico van Rijswijk for successfully defending his MSc thesis "New redox active dicyano anolytes for high energy density and stable non-aqueous redox flow batteries". - 27 March 2023
The recent paper of Kunal Datta and Alessandro Caiazzo on Light-Induced Halide Segregation in 2D and Quasi-2D Mixed-Halide Perovskites has been highlighted in an Energy Spotlight on New Advances in Metal Halide Perovskites. Please check it out here. - 23 March 2023
Congratulations to Daniël Grosfeld for successfully defending his MSc thesis "Pure bromide perovskite solar cells". - 14 March 2023
Congratulations to Stacey Fun who obtained her MSc diploma today. - 9 March 2023
Congratulations to Luuk Sander for successfully defending his MSc thesis "All-inorganic wide-bandgap perovskite material for multi-junction solar cell applications" - 1 March 2023
A warm welcome to Laura Bellini who started her PhD today. - 17 February 2023
Riccardo Ollearo's paper Vitality surveillance at distance using thin-film tandem-like narrowband near-infrared photodiodes with light-enhanced responsivity was published in Science Advances today. At the TU/e website you will find a news item on this paper . - 25 January 2023
Congratulations to Wouter Vels for successfully defending his MSc thesis "Ideality factor determination in mixed halide triple cation perovskite solar cells" - 12 January 2023
Wiley's journal Environmental Energy Materials organized a webinar on "Photovoltaics: present status and future perspectives" with contributions of Martin Green (UNSW), Henry Snaith (Oxford) and René Janssen (Eindhoven). A recording is available. - 3 January 2023
A warm welcome to Nick Schipper who started his PhD today. - 2 January 2023
A warm welcome to Christian McDonald who started his PhD today.
- 15 December 2022
Congratulations to Dr. Christoph Hauenstein who successfully defended his PhD thesis: Simulations of excitonic processes in thermally activated delayed fluorescence organic light-emitting diodes
For more info see the news item at the TU/e wbsite. - 13 December 2022
In the December issue of Solar Magazine you can read about TKI project Limitless on silicon-perovskite solar cells that we do together with TNO, Hanwha Q CELLS, Morphotonics, and Tempress Systems. - 7 December 2022
PV magazine highlighted our work on Monolithic perovskite-silicon tandem solar cells for water splitting together with TU Delft, TNO, and the PMP group at TU Eindhoven. The paper with Kunal Datta, Bruno Branco, and Yifeng Zhao as joint first-authors has been published in Advanced Materials Technologies. - 16 November 2022
Congratulations to Dr. Zehua Chen who successfully defended his PhD thesis: "Thermodynamics and kinetics of halide segregation in perovskite solar cells under operation" - 9 November 2022
Congratulations to Dr. Tom van der Pol who successfully defended his PhD thesis “The optoelectronic characterization of organic and perovskite thin film semiconductors and photovoltaic devices”
For more info see the news item at the TU/e website - 9 November 2022
Congratulations to Dr. Xuan Zhou who successfully defended her PhD thesis “High-throughput computational screening of organic molecules for organic ion battery cathodes”
For more info see the news item at the TU/e website - 15 October 2022
The national news paper de Volkskrant reported on our research towards artificial photosynthesis - 10 October 2022
A warm welcome to Guus Aalbers who started his PhD today. - 1 October 2022
We welcome Junke Wang who will work as a postdoc on tandem perovskite solar cells in the SuPerTandem EU project - 27 September 2022
Four terminal perovskite-silicon PV tandem devices hit 30% efficiency - 22 September 2022
PV magazine highlighted the review paper of Alessandro Caiazzo on High efficiency quasi-2D Ruddlesden-Popper perovskite solar cells published in Advanced Energy Materials. - 20 September 2022
Congratulations to Donggeon Lee and Guus Aalbers who received their MSc diplomas today. - 2 September 2022
Congratulations to Dr. Kunal Datta who successfully defended his PhD thesis “Mixed-halide lead perovskite semiconductors for multijunction photovoltaics” today. - 1 June 2022
A warm welcome to Hiroki Tomita who started his PhD today. - 19 April 2022
The paper of Tom van der Pol "The intrinsic photoluminescence spectrum of perovskite films" in Advanced Optical Materials was accompanied by a nice back cover. - 24 March 2022
Congratulations to Dr. Robbert Schoo, who successfully defended his PhD thesis Spontaneous charge ordering in partially hydrogenated, compressed graphene on SiC: Experiments on graphene pushed to the limits today. - 22 March 2022
Congratulations to Lana Kessels! She received her MSc diploma today. - 17 March 2022
The paper of Kunal Datta & Junke Wang "Monolithic all-perovskite tandem solar cells with minimized optical and energetic losses" in Advanced Materials was accompanied by a nice inside back cover. - 15 March 2022
A warm welcome to Lana Kessels who started her PhD today. - 4 February 4 2022
SEQUOIA will make OLEDs super efficient. - 17 January 2022
Bas van Gorkom's paper Revealing defective interfaces in perovskite solar cells from highly sensitive sub-bandgap photocurrent spectroscopy using optical cavities was published in Nature Communications today. - 17 January 2022
A warm welcome to Clint van Hoesel who started his PhD today.
- 22 December 2021
Congratulations to Simon Mathijssen, former PhD student of the M2N group, who has been appointed to ASML Fellow earlier this year. The ASML Fellowship Program is an honor program for employees who have made remarkable contributions to the success of ASML. Read here about how Simon and his colleagues ensure layers of microchips align with nanometer accuracy. - 14 December 2021
Riccardo Ollearo's paper Ultralow dark current in near-infrared perovskite photodiodes by reducing charge injection and interfacial charge generation
was published in Nature Communications today. - 14 December 2021
Dorothée Mader received her MSc diploma. Congratulations! - 3 December 2021
As of January 1st, Peter Bobbert (M2N) has been appointed as scientific director of CCER. - 11 November 2021
Alessandro Caiazzo's paper on the "Effect of Co-Solvents on the Crystallization and Phase Distribution of Mixed-Dimensional Perovskites" in Advanced Energy Materials was accompanied by a nice back cover. - 10 November 2021
Nature discussed our recent paper in Nature Electronics with Research Highlight on "Bendable mini-scanner records every loop of a fingerprint". - 4 November 2021
A News & Views "High-resolution image sensors get rolled up" by Ya Wang and Hang Zhou from the Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School in China discussed our paper in Nature Electronics. - 1 November 2021
Today our joint paper "A thin and flexible scanner for fingerprints and documents based on metal halide perovskites" with colleagues from TNO Holst Centre and TNO Solliance was published in Nature Electronics. - 1 November 2021
Congratulations to Dr. Qi Zhang, who successfully defended his PhD thesis "A computational approach for high-throughput virtual screening of organic electroactive compounds for aqueous redox flow batteries", supervisors were Dr. Süleyman Er (DIFFER) and Prof. René Janssen. - 18 October 2021
Solliance partners TNO and TU/e have further optimized the the wide-bandgap (1.69eV) perovskite cells with high near-infrared transparency for 4T tandem application. The perovskite cell has reached a stabilized efficiency of 17.8% during 5-min maximum-power-point tracking. In combination with the Panasonic silicon bottom cell, a new world-record 4T perovskite/Si tandem efficiency of 29.2% is realized. In combination with the Miasolé CIGS bottom cell a word-record efficiency of 27.1% is demonstrated for a flexible 4T perovskite/CIGS tandem. See Solliance website. - 18 October 2021
Brian Dirven, Tom Hagenaars, Lan Hu and Winston Schilp received their MSc diplomas. Congratulations to all four! - 8 October 2021
The M2N retreat 2021 was a tandem bike tour of 46 km with a nice dinner as a reward in the evening. - 21 September 2021
Vincent Verhagen received his MSc diploma. Congratulations! - 20 September 2021
The China Scholarship Council has awarded Junke Wang with the prestigious 2020 Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-financed Students Abroad.
This prize is considered the highest award given by Chinese government to graduate students studying outside China who do not receive financial support from the Chinese government. Recipients are chosen worldwide each year for their outstanding accomplishments in academia. Currently, no more than 500 talents are awarded yearly. - 3 September 2021
Congratulations to Dr. Niels de Vries, who successfully defended his PhD thesis "Topology and non-Fermi liquids in two-dimensional materials". - 2 September 2021
Congratulations to Dr. Benjamin Feleki, who successfully defended his PhD thesis "Perovskite Solar Cells on Steel Substrates". - 21 June 2021
The research of Junke Wang and Kunal Datta Towards the next generation solar cells features in the newest edition of the ICMS Highlights magazine - 15 June 2021
Sietske de Louw, Stan Jaspars and Teun Nevels received their MSc diplomas. Congratulations to all three! The recordings of the ceremony can be found here. - 11 May 2021
Zehua Chen, Geert Brocks, Shuxia Tao, and Peter Bobbert, published their paper Unified theory for light-induced halide segregation in mixed halide perovskites, in Nature Communications. It was highlighted on the TU/e news site. - 30 April 2021
Congratulations to Dr. Subash Gireesan, who successfully defended his PhD thesis "Modeling Novel Thermal Transport Phenomena in Semiconductor Nanowires" - 21 April 2021
Solliance partners TNO, imec/EnergyVille and the Eindhoven University of Technology, realized a 18.6% efficient highly near infrared transparent perovskite solar cell. The latter, when combined in a four terminal tandem configuration with an efficient Panasonic crystalline silicon (c-Si) cell or with a Miasolé flexible CIGS cell, delivers new record power conversion efficiencies of 28.7% and 27.0%, respectively. Check this link for more information. - 10 February 2021
In a collaboration between USA based MiaSolé Hi-Tech Corp and European Solliance Solar Research a power conversion efficiency of 26.5% on a tandem solar cell was established. The architecture combines two thin-film solar cell technologies: a top rigid semi-transparent perovskite solar cell with a bottom flexible copper indium gallium selenide (CIGS) cell. At Solliance TNO, imec, and TU/e contributed to realize this perovskite solar cell. Check this link for more details - 15 January 2021
Congratulations to Dr. Pieter Leenaers, who successfully defended his PhD thesis "Controlling the optoelectronic properties and structural organization of diketopyrrolopyrrole polymers via specialized design motifs". - 15 January 2021
A warm welcome to Lois Fernández Míguez who started his PhD today.
- 10 December 2020
Congratulations to Dr. Junke Wang, who successfully defended his PhD thesis "Interfacial, Compositional and Morphological Engineering for Single- and Multi-junction Perovskite Solar Cells." Also check out the news item on the site of TU/e. - 7 December 2020
Check out the Solliance webinar on multi-junction perovskite solar cells. - 20 November 2020
Congratulations to Dr. Bart Saes, who successfully defended his PhD thesis "Unconventional Chromophores for Organic Solar Cells". - 19 October 2020
Together with his with colleagues from the University of Twente Peter Bobbert published the paper A deep-learning approach to realizing functionality in nanoelectronic devices in Nature Nanotechnology. - 16 October 2020
Junke Wang, Valerio Zardetto, Kunal Datta, Dong Zhang, Martijn Wienk and Rene Janssen published their paper 16.8% Monolithic all-perovskite triple-junction solar cells via a universal two-step solution process in Nature Communications. It was highlighted on Nature Communication's site on Energy - 7 October 2020
A warm welcome to Bruno Branco who started the last two years of his PhD in the eSCALED project today. - 15 September 2020
A warm welcome to Wietse van Geel who started his PhD today. - 1 September 2020
A warm welcome to Ludovico Riccardi who started the last two years of his PhD in the eSCALED project today. - 1 July 2020
A warm welcome to Willemijn Remmerswaal who started her PhD today. - 6 May 2020
In this video you can see how happy we were that we could start experiments again after lockdown. - 30 April 2020
Dario’s paper Advances in Solution‐Processed Multijunction Organic Solar Cells was among the the top 10% most downloaded papers in Advanced Materials. Of work published in Advanced Materials between January 2018 and December 2019, it received some of the most downloads in the 12 months following online publication. - 30 April 2020
Dario’s paper Solution‐Processed Tin Oxide‐PEDOT:PSS Interconnecting Layers for Efficient Inverted and Conventional Tandem Polymer Solar Cells was among the the top 10% most downloaded papers in Solar RRL. Of work published in Solar RRL between January 2018 and December 2019, it received some of the most downloads in the 12 months following online publication. - 23 April 2020
Congratulations to Prof. Peter Bobbert with his promotion to Full Professor at the TU/e in "Computational Nanophysics" - 10 March 2020
Xander de Vries, Reinder Coehoorn and Peter Bobbert published their paper High energy acceptor states strongly enhance exciton transfer between metal organic phosphorescent dyes in Nature Communications. - 3 March 2020
Congratulations to Dr. Aart Ligthart, who successfully defended his PhD thesis "Experimental study of the exciton dynamics in organic light-emitting diodes towards an mechanistic description" - 16 January 2020
Peter Bobbert co-author of the Nature paper “Classification with a disordered dopant atom network in silicon” - 15 January 2020
Congratulations to Dr. Giulio Simone, who successfully defended his PhD thesis "Device physics and applications of organic photodiodes"
- 17 October 2019
- Congratulations to Dr. ir. Gaël Heintges, who successfully defended his PhD thesis "Influencing the photovoltaic properties and aggregation of diketopyrrolopyrrole based polymers via structural modification".
- 14 October 2019
A warm welcome to Alessandro Caiazzo who started his PhD today. - 18 September 2019
Congratulations to Dr. Xander de Vries , who successfully defended his PhD thesis "Charge and exciton transport in organic semiconductors: The role of molecular vibrations" - 2 September 2019
A warm welcome to Mahyar Taherpour who started his PhD today. - 1 September 2019
Congratulations to Christoph Hauenstein for winning the award for best talk at Krutyń summer school 2019 - 28 June 2019
Mengmeng Li 's paper on polymorphism of a semiconducting polymer has been published today in Nature Communications . More info can also be found on the TU/e site and Nature's Device & Materials Engineering blog. - 12 June 2019
Congratulations to Kunal Datta for winning a Poster Prize at the Next-Gen IV: PV Materials Conference in Groningen, for his poster "Photoinduced Halide Segregation in Wide-Bandgap Perovskites" - 6 June 2019
Congratulations to Dr. Robin Willems, who successfully defended his PhD thesis "Relating energy levels of organic semiconductors to solar cell performance"
- 18 December 2018
Congratulations to Pieter van Thiel for receiving his MSc diploma Chemical Engineering. - 10 December 2018
Congratulations to Dr. Dario Di Carlo Rasi for successfully defending his PhD thesis "Tandem, triple and quadruple junction polymer solar cells" - 26 November 2018
A warm welcome to Olivera Vuković who started her PhD research in the eSCALED project today. - 22 November 2018
A warm welcome to Dr. Miaomiao Li who started her postdoc research in our group today. - 25 October 2018
Congratulations to Dr. Fallon Colberts for successfully defending her PhD thesis "Processing organic photovoltaic layers from and on water". - 11 October 2018
Congratulations to Kunal Datta for winning the STOOR Education Award for the best tutor in 2nd year courses at the Applied Physics Department. - 26 September 2018
Congratulations to Dr. Vikas Negi for successfully defending his PhD thesis "Exploring the process-structure-property relationship of organic solar cells by high performance computer simulations". - 25 September 2018
Congratulations to Dr. Ameneh Najafi for successfully defending her PhD thesis "Emergent magnetism in intercalated epitaxial graphene by hydrogen and tungsten". - 17 September 2018
Congratulations to Edward Imhof and Tom van der Pol for receiving their MSc diplomas Chemical Engineering - 15 September 2018
A warm welcome to Tom van der Pol who started his PhD project today - 14 September 2018
Congratulations to Yuze Li for receiving his MSc diploma Sustainable Energy Technology. - 12 September 2018
Congratulations to Dr. Ruurd Heuvel for successfully defending his PhD thesis "Conjugated polymers for organic solar cells with reduced photon energy loss” - 1 September 2018
A warm welcome to Xiao Ma who started his PhD project today. - 26 -29 August 2018
We had the great pleasure to welcome all the participants and the lectures for the ORZEL Summer School on OPV. - 1 August 2018
Welcome to Dr. Dong Zhang who started as post-doctoral researcher to strengthen our interactions with Solliance - 16 July 2018
Congratulations to Dr. Mengmeng Li who has been awarded a Veni Grant 2018 from NWO for research on "Polymer monolayer electronics". He is one of the eight Veni laureates at the TU/e this year. - 1 July 2018
A warm welcome to Bas van Gorkom who started his PhD project today. - 28 June 2018
Congratulations to Dr. Bardo Bruijnaers for successfully defending his PhD thesis “Lead halide perovskite solar cells”. - 15 June 2018
Today we paid our last respect to Rein Rumphorst who passed away on June 8 at the age of 92. We will remember Rein as a unique electronics expert and a man who extended a helping hand to anyone who wanted it. For an obituary see Cursor. - 14 June 2018
Congratulations to Bas van Gorkom for receiving his MSc diploma Sustainable Energy Technology. - 31 May 2018
Congratulations to Robin Willems for winning the Wiley Poster Prize at the HOPV 2018 conference in Benidorm for his poster “Accurate determination of HOMO energies in conjugated diketopyrrolopyrrole-based polymers for predicting the open-circuit voltage of organic photovoltaic devices” - and to Junke Wang for winning the RSC Poster Prize at the HOPV 2018 in Benidorm conference for his poster “Surface modification of tin oxide transport layer with fullerenes for efficient perovskite solar cells”.
- 24 May 2018
Congratulations to Dr. Alessia Senes for successfully defending her PhD thesis “Orientation of transition dipole moments in solution processed small molecular emitters”. - 14 March 2018
Congratulations to Annelore Aarts for receiving her MSc diploma Chemical Engineering. - 10 January 2018
Congratulations to Dr. Andrey Gorbunov for successfully defending his PhD thesis “Ferroelectric switching phenomena in organic dielectrics and semiconductors”. - 1 January 2018
Welcome back to Dr. Koen Hendriks who started his Veni project “Ambipolar Molecules for Non-Aqueous Redox flow Batteries” with DIFFER.
- 13 December 2017
Congratulations to Eric Schiepers for receiving his MSc diploma Chemical Engineering. - 12 December 2017
Congratulations to Benjamin Feleki for winning the Poster Prize at the Meeting Materials Conference in Noordwijkerhout for his poster “Towards Lead‐free Organometal Halide Perovskite Solar Cells for Steel Substrates”. - 16 October 2017
A warm welcome to Kunal Datta who started his PhD project today. - 1 October 2017
A warm welcome to Dr Haijun Bin who started as a postdoc today. - 1 October 2017
A warm welcome to Matt Dyson who started as a researcher today. - 28 September 2017
Congratulations to Dr. Qiang (Mike) Wang for successfully defending his PhD thesis “Solution-processed small-molecule organic solar cells”. - 15 September 2017
Congratulations to Kunal Datta for receiving his MSc diploma Sustainable Energy Technology. - 23 June 2017
Xander de Vries has won the Best Poster Award at the Optical Probes 2017 (OP2017) Conference in Quebec, Canada. - 1 July 2017
A warm welcome to Dr. Anna Todinova who started as a postdoc today. - 24 May 2017
Congratulations to Dr. Bardo Bruijnaers for winning the RSC Poster Prize at the HOPV 2017 conference in Lausanne for his poster “The impact of oxygen on charge carrier recombination in planar p-i-n perovskite solar cells”. - 6 April 2017
Professor Peter Bobbert gave his inaugural lecture “Bij nader inzien: nano-elektronica onder de loep” at the University of Twente where he has been appointed as professor of Theory of Organic and Hybrid Nanoelectronics. - 20 March 2017
A warm welcome to Niels de Vries who started his PhD project today. - 1 March 2017
Congratulations to Dr. Mengmeng Li who has been awarded a “Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Individual Fellowship’ from the European Commission in the Horizon 2020 program. The grant is worth nearly 166,000 euros for two years. - 1 February 2017
A warm welcome to Benjamin Feleki who started his PhD project today. - 12 January 2017
Congratulations to Dr. Andrea Massé for successfully defending his PhD thesis “Multiscale modelling of charge transport in organic devices: from molecule to device”.