PhD student


I received my B.Sc. (2016) and M.Sc. (2018) degree in Physics at University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. From December 2016 I carried out a 9 months internship at Holst Centre/ Solliance, under the supervision of Dr. Yulia Galan. During the internship I was working on the perovskite solar cells (fabrication and characterization) with a focus on stability study. During my Master degree programme I participated in a 5 months Erasmus+ exchange programme at Politécnico de Leiria, Portugal.

In November 2018 I started my PhD studies in the group of Prof. R.A.J Janssen, as one of the early stage researchers of the eSCALED project. The PhD project is focused on the development of perovskite nanocrystals inks for photovoltaic and photo-electrochemical water splitting applications. Our goal is to synthesize environmental friendly inks for the fabrication of high voltage and multi-junctions perovskite nanocrystal solar cells, that can be used for photo-electrochemical solar fuel production. Two years of my research will be held in several institutions, all over Europe.