In 2012 I received my B.Sc. degree in Applied Physics at Eindhoven University of Technology. My final bachelor project was in the group Molecular Biosensing for Medical Diagnostics. I obtained my master degree in Applied Physics following the master track Functional Nanomaterials. During the master program I did a six month internship at the Holst centre in the program Smart Flexible Systems. I received my M.Sc. degree in 2015 after doing a graduation project in the group of Prof. R.A.J Janssen were I studied the temporal response of organic photodiodes.
In 2015 I started my PhD in the group of Prof. R.A.J Janssen, were I am currently studying excitonic processes in OLEDs under the supervision of Prof. R. Coehoorn. Excitonic processes play a crucial role in the efficiency loss of OLEDs at high luminance levels and in their degradation. By understanding these processes it is our goal to develop a predictive model for the development of high efficiency OLEDs.